Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Parody by SaraL (2020)

To Be in Highschool

My inspirations for this song were really my experiences with not only distance learning, but high school overall. It’s really frustrating to be loaded up with so much work all the time and I wanted to have some fun with releasing some of my anger out about it. I wanted to do a fun song and Babrie’s To Be a Princess just seemed like the perfect fit, and the fact that I really enjoy the movie. While this wasn’t my first time working with audio and music, this definitely was the first time I’ve tried removing vocals from a song. It was quite difficult and most definitely the hardest thing about the entire project. I couldn’t quite get the singer’s voice to fully go away and it always sounded really strong in the music. I kept going back over instructions to see if I had missed anything, but I kept getting the same result. However, I kept trying to tweak with the audio to try my best and just get the instrumentals in the song until I got something I somewhat enjoyed.

While I’m still somewhat unhappy with the instrumentals that are in my background, I’m not really sure how I would change them. If I was given the chance to work on this again, I most definitely would try to make the audio sound better. I would go back and probably allow more vocals to leak through so my instrumentals don’t sound as weird. I was really proud of my lyrics, I really liked how I was able to do something that was really bothering me and made it into something fun and being able to laugh about. Not only this, but friends I showed it too seemed to really enjoy them as well.

I think with projects or schoolwork I should always try to make it more fun or engaging for myself. Having a project where I was able to make something myself with little limitation was great. Not only that, but this definitely helped me see how many possibilities there can be with art. All students were given the same instructions, but we all came up with unique lyrics and songs. Even seeing somewhat with what musicians have to go through to produce songs is pretty crazy to see. This project alone was frustrating for me to remove vocals from the instrumental, but producing an entire song from scratch has to be so much more work and frustration.